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2020-09-07 作者: 点击次数:













博士招生专业:[081500] 水利工程

硕士招生专业:[083000] 环境科学与工程;[085701] 环境工程(专业学位)


科技部国家重点研发计划会评专家、生态环境部土壤污染防治资金项目评审专家、山东省科技人才库专家、山东省环境保护产业协会专家委员会专家委员、中国物资再生协会土壤修复专业委员会专家委员,担任J HAZARD MATERCHEM ENG JCHEMOSPHERESCI TOTAL ENVIRONENVIRON SCI POLLUT RES等多个国际学术期刊审稿人。







近年来一直从事土壤污染防治及修复方面的研究工作,主要研究方向为有机污染物及重金属在土壤-植物系统中的行为、土壤修复及土壤环境质量基准等。作为主持人及项目骨干先后承担国家级、省部级等各类科研项目20余项;在J HAZARD   MATERBIORESOUR   TECHNOLENVIRON   POLLUTCHEMOSPHERE等学术刊物公开发表论文50余篇;申请发明专利6项。担任J HAZARD MATERCHEM ENG JCHEMOSPHERESCI TOTAL ENVIRONENVIRON SCI POLLUT RES等多个国际学术期刊审稿人。




1)国家自然科学基金面上项目:我国典型土壤中纳米CuO的老化过程和作物有效性(No.   41771524),主持

2)国家重点研发计划课题:黄淮海集约化生猪养殖污染防治技术模式研究与示范(No. 2017YFD0801403),子课题负责人

3)国家重点研发计划课题:土壤阴离子型重金属安全阈值研究(No. 2016YFD0800407),子课题负责人






1)基于农产品质量安全的中国土壤DDTs阈值确定方法及系统 ZL   201710661953.6

2)一种基于有机肥安全来确定污染控制优先序的方法及应用 ZL 2021 1 0077246.9

3)一种利用表面活性剂改性松树皮的六价铬高效去除材料及其制备方法 2022109689705




1Yang, Qian; Liu, Yinghao; Qiu, Yanhua; Wang, Zhilin; Li, Helian*;   Dissolution kinetics and solubility of copper oxide nanoparticles as affected   by soil properties and aging time. Environmental science and pollution   research, 2022, 29(27): 40674-40685.

2Li, H. L., Cheng, Y. H., Liu, Y. H., Li, S. W., Han, X. M., & Ma,   Y. B. Trace element accumulation from swine feeds to feces in Chinese swine   farms: Implication for element limits. Integrated environmental assessment   and management, 2022, 18(4): 978-987.

3Li S, Qiu Y, Chang M, Sun Z, He F, Li H*. Effect of soil properties and   aging time on oral and inhalation bioaccessibility of copper oxide   nanoparticles in soils. Bulletin of environmental contamination and   toxicology, 2021(13), 967-974.

4Xu Meilan, Wang Yansu , Mu Zuting , Li ShiweiLi Helian*. Dissolution of copper oxide   nanoparticles is controlled by soil solution pH, dissolved organic matter,   and particle specific surface area. Science of the total environment, 2021,   772(21): 145477.

5)牟祖廷, 张延一, 马义兵, 李士伟, 李合莲, 韩雪梅. 我国典型农田土壤中Cr(Ⅵ)的老化过程及主控因子. 农业环境科学学报, 2021, 40(01): 62-73.

6Qiu Yanhua, Mu Zuting, Wang Ning, Wang Xiaojun, Xu Meilan, Li Helian*.   The aggregation and sedimentation of two different sized copper oxide   nanoparticles in soil solutions: Dependence on pH and dissolved organic   matter. Science of the total environment, 2020, 731: 139215.

7Xu Meilan, Li Helian*, Li Shiwei; Li Cheng, Li Jinyang, Ma Yibing. The   presence of tetracyclines and sulfonamides in swine feeds and feces: dependence   on the antibiotic type and swine growth stages. Environmental science and   pollution research, 27: 4309343102.

8) Helian Li, Fengluan Shao, Yanhua Qiu,   Yibing Ma. Solubility, uptake, and translocation of BDE 47 as affected by DOM   extracted from agricultural wastes. Environmental science and pollution   research, 2019, 26(19): 19871-19878.

9) ShiWei Li, Helian Li, Xuemei Han, Yibing   Ma. Development and validation of a model for whole course aging of nickel   added to a wide range of soils using a complementary error function.   Geoderma, 2019, 348: 54-59.

10) Helian Li, Yanhua Qiu. Dispersion,   sedimentation and aggregation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes as affected by   single and binary mixed surfactants. Royal society open science, 2019, 6:   190241.

11) Yanhua Qiu, Meilan Xu, Zongquan Sun,   Helian Li*. Remediation of PAH-contaminated Soil by combining surfactant   enhanced soil washing and iron-activated persulfate oxidation process.   International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019, 16:   441.

12) SUN, Z. Q., QIU, Y. H., LI, S. W., HAN,   X. M., LI, H. L. * Comparison on the tolerance and accumulation of hexavalent   chromium by different crops under hydroponic conditions. Applied ecology and   environmental research, 2019, 17(5):11249-11260.

13) Helian Li, Zongquan Sun, Yanhua Qiu,   Xiuyue Yu, Xuemei Han, Yibing Ma. Integrating bioavailability and soil aging   in the derivation of DDT criteria for agricultural soils using crop species   sensitivity distributions. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 2018, 165:   527-532.

14) Helian Li, Yibing Ma, Field study on   the uptake, accumulation, translocation and risk assessment of PAHs in a   soil-wheat system with amendments of sewage sludge. Science of the total   environment, 2016, 560-561: 55-61.

15) Helian Li*, Yanhua Qiu, Xiaonuan Wang,   Wenhao Liu, Guangcai Chen, Yibing Ma, Baoshan Xing, Suspension stability and   aggregation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes as affected by dissolved organic   matters extracted from agricultural wastes. Environmental pollution, 2016,   210: 323-329.

16) Helian Li*, Jiajun Chen, Zhentian Shi.   PAH Removal efficiency in surfactant-enhanced soil washing systems: influence   of PAH ring number and soil properties. Environmental engineering and   management journal, 2016, 15, 8: 1665-1672.

17) 曲荣辉, 张曦, 李合莲, 马义兵, 不同锌水平对低剂量镉在水稻中迁移能力的影响. 中国生态农业学报, 2016, 24(4): 517-523.

18) Helian Li, Ronghui Qu, Liangguo Yan,   Weilin Guo, Yibing Ma, Field study on the uptake and translocation of PBDEs   by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in soils amended with sewage sludge.   Chemosphere, 2015, 123, 87-92.

19) Helian Li, Ronghui Qu, Chao Li, Weilin   Guo, Xuemei Han, Fang He, Yibing Ma, Baoshan Xing, Selective removal of   polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from soil washing effluents using   biochars produced at different pyrolytic temperatures. Bioresource   technology, 2014, 163, 193-198.

20) Helian Li, Jiajun Chen, Lin Jiang,   Elevated Critical Micelle Concentration in Soil-water System and Its   Implication on PAH Removal and Surfactant Selecting. Environmental earth   sciences, 2014, 71(9): 3991-3998.

21) Helian Li, Jiajun Chen, Jian Yang,   Pore-scale Removal Mechanisms of Residual Light Non-aqueous Phase Liquids in   Porous Media. Environmental earth sciences, 2011, 64(8): 2223-2228.

22) 李合莲, 陈家军, 吴威, 朴雪松, 史震天, 孙添伟, 焦化厂不同粒级污染土壤中多环芳烃分布特征及淋洗粒级分割点确定. 环境科学, 2011, 32(4): 1154-1158.

23) Helian Li, Jiajun Chen, Wei Wu, Xuesong   Piao, Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in different size   fractions of soil from a coke oven plant and its relationship to organic   carbon content. Journal of hazardous materials, 2010, 176: 729-734.


[1] 李合莲, 刘英豪, 韩雪梅, 李士伟.《环境生态学》课程教学案例库的构建及应用. 必威官方网西汉姆官方学报(社会科学版), 2020, 30(S2): 41-42.

[2] 李合莲, 张芬芬. 以提高应用能力为导向的环境质量评价课程教学改革. 必威官方网西汉姆官方学报(社会科学版), 2015, 25(S):144-145.


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